We are ready for the adventure of the year. We are leaving early Friday morning to head to visit friends in the country of Ukraine for a long weekend. We expect the trip to last 9 hours, and then however long it takes to get through the border. Today, when Conrad was inspecting all the food purchases for the trip, he said, "I can't wait to go. There is so much good food to eat." We are all excited. It will be kind of a extended field trip for the children. So, bon voyage! We will give a report upon return. Pray for us as we go. Driving here in these countries can be hazardous.
When our family moved to Poland over twenty years ago, a friend told me that I must always remember to have a bubbling teapot, full and ready to serve...And it was true. A friend stopping in for a visit wasn't complete without a cup of tea! Consider this page as a place to stop for a cup of tea.