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Showing posts from April, 2006

Off for the Weekend

We are ready for the adventure of the year. We are leaving early Friday morning to head to visit friends in the country of Ukraine for a long weekend. We expect the trip to last 9 hours, and then however long it takes to get through the border. Today, when Conrad was inspecting all the food purchases for the trip, he said, "I can't wait to go. There is so much good food to eat." We are all excited. It will be kind of a extended field trip for the children. So, bon voyage! We will give a report upon return. Pray for us as we go. Driving here in these countries can be hazardous.


This weekend was what I would call a "mountaintop experience" for our small group here in Poland. Sometimes we can feel discouraged in dwindling numbers. We watch friends in whom we have invested much time and energy walk away from the truth that they once embraced. We see them making wrong choices that will affect their future and destiny. We cry. We pray. We wait. God knows their hearts better than we do, but it tears at our hearts. But this past weekend, we had Polish visitors from Torun. They were all former Jehovah's Witnesses and one man shared his moving testimony with our group. Although we had invited friends and acquaintances, only a handful showed up. But those of us that experienced this day felt uplifted. This man had been an elder and preacher in the JW organization for many years. He sometimes spoke to audiences of 5000. He was sincere in wanting to do right, but the more he studied the more confused he became as he realized that what he was teaching was co...

This and That

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF SPRING ~ ~ ~ The air is beginning to smell like spring. There is a soft feeling instead of the harshness of cold. Last night I heard RAIN!!!! How exciting! It was a comforting sound to hear the pit-pat-pitter-pat on the metal window framesas I drifted off to sleep. Yesterday, I saw the first crocuses poking theirbrave little heads out of the ground. Nothing like living through a long,gray winter to make spring colors look so beautiful. Did you ever notice how vivid the first colors of spring are??? CREATIONS AND PROJECTS AND OTHER MENTIONABLES ~ ~ ~ Derek decided the other day that he wants to make a rock tumbler. Anyone know what that is? Lolita's dad told Austin that he should get one to polish his rock collection. Well, we checked them out on the internet and they are quite expensive, so we told Austin that it will have to wait for a birthday. And besides, who has a month to wait for a rock to be smoothed and polished in a little noisy machine. So, Derek say...