It all started when the guy that lives with us flattened the front of our vehicle when he met another vehicle when sliding through an icy intersection. No, let's back up. A few weeks prior, I was taking Allison to the dentist. Now in Poland parking spaces are all meant for compact fiats not mini vans. I was wheeling into a promising looking parking spot when I kissed the fender of an innocent car beside me. Horrified, I parked and climbed out. I rubbed the scratch and it seemed to disappear to my relief. I needed to find the owner, but I had no idea where he was in the three floors of this public building. And what would I do if I did find him. I had no idea how to tell him in Polish what happened. Many bumpers in Poland sport dents and scratches, but I still wanted to be honest. I took Allison into the building and when I returned later, I saw the car speeding away. I still feel a tinge of guilt about that. But back to my story. The same day, I rode with John and sat in the car ...
When our family moved to Poland over twenty years ago, a friend told me that I must always remember to have a bubbling teapot, full and ready to serve...And it was true. A friend stopping in for a visit wasn't complete without a cup of tea! Consider this page as a place to stop for a cup of tea.