Really????!!! My friend looked unbelieving when I told her that in America where we lived we might have heard three gunshots or a horn honking for one minute, but we never had such a wild celebrations. She seemed quite incredulous. Maybe a bit how I felt when friends tell me about their New Year's parties they attend each year!
Another friend told me she doesn't like these New Year's parties. She is a Christian and doesn't drink. I don't even know what to do, she told me. The only activities are drinking and dancing. Lots of alcohol, she said. I feel strange there.
Another student of mine has a boyfriend from England. She told me that New's Year's Eve is boring in England. When she goes to visit her boyfriend for the holidays, they might go to the local pub, and that's all, she says. There's nothing exciting about midnight except maybe some toasts to all sitting around. I understand a bit how she must feel after we have seen the other extreme here.
My children thought the fireworks were fantastic, except for Allison, who was bravely plugging her ears.
Now, the festivities are done, the bottles are drained, the shells of empty fireworks litter the town, and the people have still found no continuing happiness in the money they spent and the party they attended.
Our team invited our close friends to a New Year's party at our school in town. It felt discouraging when a good friend told us, No Polish people will come to your party. There is no alcohol and dancing. It is too different. Well, he was almost right. But in spite of the small numbers, our team had a very close time with the three Polish people that came. We snacked, visited, and then sang the New Year in. It was a new experience for them, but they all seemed to like the different atmosphere. We hope that in coming years, others will also long for something more real and lasting in their lives.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Allison, after seeing her brother Conrad with his new glasses, "I'm not going to eat any more carrots, so I can get glasses when I'm in second grade."
Happy New Year to you too!