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Showing posts from May, 2006

No Achohol???

I couldn't believe my eyes! But that's what the sign said. "No achohol will be sold in this store on the days of May 25,26." What's going on here? What are the people in this town going to do if they can't buy beer for two days?! I mean beer is bought here like Coke or some other soft drink. But why? That was my question. Why aren't they selling beer on these two specific days? John asked his tutee and this is what he told him. The pope is coming to Poland on this weekend and all the cities he will be visiting will not sell achohol during the duration of his visit! It feels a little like God is coming to visit this country. I guess our little store in Minsk was just honoring his visit to the country, becausethe pope wasn't planning to stop in our town. But that doesn't stop the achoholics, John's tutee told him. They just stock up the day before for the days that none will be sold in the stores. I heard that Pope Benedict held a mass in Warsaw....

One of Those Days...

How can I explain how I felt? It was one of those times that my heart sunk to the very tip of my little toe. I was happily sewing my last dress for the summer season, feeling a great feat was about to be accomplished. How I wanted to celebrate after this last seam was finished! With gusto, I pressed the pedal a bit harder. What in the world? The pieces didn't match up. One was a good 6 inches shorter than the other. Did I get the wrong piece? Impossible--this was the last piece to put together!! Maybe I got ahold of the scraps? I looked carefully. I examined it closely. What was the problem. Then I noticed a big, jagged gouge cut right out of the bottom of my skirt!!! Oh, no! Then I turned to look into two guilty eyes. "Mom, I thought that was your scraps. I didn't know it was your dress." Her eyes pleaded me to understand. And really, it was my fault. I always allowed Allison to play sewing with the scraps of material while I sewed. I had lain the skirt on a nearby ...

Latest Joke

Recent conversation heard between my two youngest: Derek: Alli, I have a joke for you. If you were going to be executed... Alli: Whhhhat? What's that? Derek: You know, like getting your head chopped, if you were going to be killed which room would you choose? Alli: (from the shower) Whhhhhhhhaaaattttt? Derek: (repeats joke) Alli: Whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaattttt? Derek: Okkkayyy! (sigh) I'll say it one more time (repeats) Alli: Derek, I can't hear you!!!!!! Derek: Alliiiiii, you have your ears covered. Alli: Derek, just wait until I get out of the shower. Ok? Derek: I won't tell it then. Alli: Okkkkayyyyy! Tell me again. Derek: Now, if you were going to be killed which room would you choose? a room with lions that hadn't eaten in three years, a room with a fire, or a room full of soldiers? Alli: uuuuuuhhhhhmmmmmm! None of them!!! Derek: You HAVE to choose one!!! Alli: Ok, I think a room with fire. Derek: Hee! hee! hee! hee! A room with lions that haven't e...

Weekend Retreat

Our small church group here spent this weekend together at a local church retreat. This place is run by a dedicated Christian couple that work hard to give you a wonderful time. We had such a good time connecting and learning to know each other in new ways. One of the purposes of the weekend was to give everyone that attends our church a chance to tell their life story and show how God has worked in their personal lives. This was scary for most of us, but especially those who aren't used to being open about themselves. It was so encouraging. We heard how God protected specifically one man's life during the war and how God pursued him until he was ready to give his whole life to God. A dear sister shared that she was Catholic when she married a Christian man, and it took 13 years before she gave her heart to God. Another sister found that in loneliness God spoke to her and that he was faithful as He was drawing her to himself. A new Christian testified that little details in he...

Our Four children

Since I figured out how to post pictures, I will share some pictures we took of the children for our prayer cards. Meet our family: Allison age 6 Derek age 7 Austin age 11 Conrad age 13

Chocolate Chips!!?? Oh, Joy!!!

Now, I know you won't understand how estatic I was when I found bags of chocolate chips in my freezer, but it made me quite happy. Poland stores, with their aisles overflowing in European chocolate, don't sell a single chocolate chip. I have tried to use their wonderful chocolate bars and create, you know, "chocolate chunk" recipes. But since it isn't baking chocolate, the chocate runs everywhere in a sticky mess. So, whenever possible I ask friends to bring me chocolate chips from America. When John's nephews came for a visit in February, I sent them a list of things that they could fill their suitcases with if they had room. Of course, I included chocolate chips. I failed to tell them, though, that I was then using my last bag. I was indeed grateful for the two bags they brought, but I realized that it wouldn't last until furlough. So, I began scouring my recipe books for cookie recipes, cakes, and things that don't take chocolate chips. In my opini...
The dear 95 year old believer we met in Ukraine. She was preparing dinner when we arrived, but she had time to tell us all about her life. You would be amazed at the stories she can tell about her life and how God has kept her through the years.

Memories! Memories! Memories!

How can we possibly put into words our weekend trip? Another country, another language, a completely different world for us. Wayne and Connie Hursh and family sent us a list of memories. 1. Bumpy Berezyanka Road. All the roads were bumpy, but the one to the Berezyanka village to go to church Sunday morning took the prize. Think roller coaster, think huge potholes, think about driving a truck through a field, think about hills and valleys. Yes, it was really that bad. 2. Visiting Baba Anya, and listening to her inspiring stories. What a dear lady and what a testimony. She is 95 years old, lives by herself in this poor apartment, up five flights of steps, and she can't stop talking about how God has kept her during her life. She has been a church member for 10 years now and a vibrant Christian. She continually thanks God that she can still read the Bible. 3. Mt. Dew from Poland! We blessed Wayne's with a case of Mountain Dew and they were so happy with the luxury. I also stuck...