Recent conversation heard between my two youngest:
Derek: Alli, I have a joke for you. If you were going to be executed...
Alli: Whhhhat? What's that?
Derek: You know, like getting your head chopped, if you were going to be killed which room would you choose?
Alli: (from the shower) Whhhhhhhhaaaattttt?
Derek: (repeats joke)
Alli: Whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaattttt?
Derek: Okkkayyy! (sigh) I'll say it one more time (repeats)
Alli: Derek, I can't hear you!!!!!!
Derek: Alliiiiii, you have your ears covered.
Alli: Derek, just wait until I get out of the shower. Ok?
Derek: I won't tell it then.
Alli: Okkkkayyyyy! Tell me again.
Derek: Now, if you were going to be killed which room would you choose? a room with lions that hadn't eaten in three years, a room with a fire, or a room full of soldiers?
Alli: uuuuuuhhhhhmmmmmm! None of them!!!
Derek: You HAVE to choose one!!!
Alli: Ok, I think a room with fire.
Derek: Hee! hee! hee! hee! A room with lions that haven't eaten for three years. 'Cuz they'd be dead. Hee! Hee!
Derek: Alli, I have a joke for you. If you were going to be executed...
Alli: Whhhhat? What's that?
Derek: You know, like getting your head chopped, if you were going to be killed which room would you choose?
Alli: (from the shower) Whhhhhhhhaaaattttt?
Derek: (repeats joke)
Alli: Whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaattttt?
Derek: Okkkayyy! (sigh) I'll say it one more time (repeats)
Alli: Derek, I can't hear you!!!!!!
Derek: Alliiiiii, you have your ears covered.
Alli: Derek, just wait until I get out of the shower. Ok?
Derek: I won't tell it then.
Alli: Okkkkayyyyy! Tell me again.
Derek: Now, if you were going to be killed which room would you choose? a room with lions that hadn't eaten in three years, a room with a fire, or a room full of soldiers?
Alli: uuuuuuhhhhhmmmmmm! None of them!!!
Derek: You HAVE to choose one!!!
Alli: Ok, I think a room with fire.
Derek: Hee! hee! hee! hee! A room with lions that haven't eaten for three years. 'Cuz they'd be dead. Hee! Hee!