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Arrows, wings, or coffee table?

It all started with a question. "Mom, what would you and dad think if I entered this writing contest? The winner will be given a scholarship toward a pilot's license."

What would it matter? We were in the throes of moving across the ocean and the last thing I wanted was another decision to make. I knew my son's dream was to fly, and maybe this would be the thing that would "scratch that itch." After all, he wouldn't win. What are the odds anyway?

"Sure, why not?" And so he did. His essay said a lot about his dream to learn to fly so he could use it in mission work one day. His mother cringed every time he talked about his dream. "Lord, at least keep him on the ground," I prayed. guessed it...he did win. "Lord, I knew I was giving him roots and wings, but does it have to be so literal?" His face was a wreath of smiles when the check came for over $3000. Enough to pay for a large part of his pilot's license. With determination, he began and in three months, he had his passenger's whatever-they-call-it. Anyway, he was a pilot~his dream fulfilled.

Never in my life had I considered the thought of giving my son to be a pilot. I rather wished they would stay close decorating my home like this family portrait decorates my coffee table.

But as usual, God started working on my heart. Who am I to stand in the way of a direct answer to my son's prayers? We have spent 20 years pointing our "arrows" and now it's time to release them and let them go. It's time to step back and see what God is going to do in the lives of our children.

It's exciting yet sobering to think of how your children, a product of human you, will touch the world wherever they go.

And as I watch them making choices~mission work, teaching, or just working in the local seed warehouse, I want to bless them in their decisions. They are not "finding" God's will, they are living God's will.

And this mother will remain happy when my children come home for that special weekend or summer vacation and make my house feel full of laughter, joy, and fun family times once again. After all, I do love to see them  making a difference in the world. What kind of men would they be if they were  just gracing my coffee table or wasting their lives doing nothing?


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